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  Last Updated: November 15, 2013 
Nanotechnology Activities Survey in Spain

Name of the Laboratory Unidad de Energía Solar Fotovoltaica
Department Departamento de Energía

Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas

Institution (Acronym) CIEMAT
Contact Person (e-mail) BALENZATEGUI MANZANARES, José Lorenzo
Address Avenida Complutense, 40 - Madrid
Postal code 28040
Province Madrid
Autonomous Region Madrid
Country Spain
Phone +344962509
Fax +343466037
Main Research Areas

* Silicon nanowires
* Photovoltaic solar cells
* Nanostructured surfaces
* Thin films and coatings

Nanotechnology for structural applications
Nano powered ceramics
Composite materials containing nanocrystals or powders
Materials based on carbon nanotubes or fullerenes
Nanoparticulate coatings
Other - specify:
NanoTechnology for information processing storage and transmission
Nanoelectronics, materials and devices
Optoelectronics/optical materials and devices
Magnetic materials and devices
Organic (opto) electronics
Other - specify:
Nano(bio)technology for medical applications
Drug encapsulation
Targeted drug delivery, molecular recognition
Other - specify:
Nanotechnology for sensor applications
Nanostructured sensors
Sensors based on biological molecules
Other - specify:
Nanotechnology for (electro)chemical processing technologies
Catalysts or electrodes with nano-structured surface
Other - specify:
Long-term research with generic applications
Self- assembly
Quantum physics, mesoscopic systems, chemical
Interfacing to organic / biological molecules
Other - specify:
Instruments and equipment, supporting sciences and technologies
Analytical equipment and techniques
Powder production and processing
Deposition equipment and techniques
Patterning equipment and techniques
Other - specify:

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