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  Last Updated: November 10, 2015 
Nanotechnology Activities Survey in Spain

Name of the Laboratory Lasers, nanostructures and materials processing
Department Sistemas de baja dimensionalidad, superficies y materia condensada

Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano

Institution (Acronym) LANAMAP
Contact Person (e-mail) CASTILLEJO STRIANO, Marta / Esther Rebollar / Margarita Martin / Mikel Sanz / Mohamed Oujja / Rebeca de Nalda
Address Serrano 119
Postal code 28006
Province Madrid
Autonomous Region Madrid
Country Spain
Phone +34915619400
Fax +34 915642431
Main Research Areas

* Laser assisted transfer of thin films and nanostructures
* Laser processing of soft matter
* Clusters Physics and Chemistry
* Harmonic generation in laser ablation plasma plumes

Participating Projects

* Control de Nanoestructuras Generadas por Láser: Interacción Láser-Material y Procesos en el Plasma
Coordinator: Marta Castillejo Striano: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

* Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Cultural Heritage, IPERION CH - Comunidad Europea H2020

* Microfabricación de palancas poliméricas mediante técnicas láser
Coordinator: Esther Rebollar: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

Three more relevant publications within 2012-2015

* 'Generation of low-order harmonics in laser ablation plasmas'
  López-Arias M., Oujja M., Sanz M., de Nalda R. Ganeev R.A., Castillejo M. - Mol. Phys. 110, 1651-1657., 2012. Invited Paper.

* 'Micrometric rods grown by nanosecond pulsed laser deposition of boron carbide'
  Lopez-Quintas I., Oujja M., Sanz M., Benítez-Cañete A., Chater J.R., Cañamares M.V., Marco J.F., Castillejo M. - Appl. Surf. Sci. 328, 170-176, 2015

* 'Laser induced periodic surface structures on polymer films: From fundamentals to applications'
  Rebollar E., Castillejo M., Ezquerra T.A. - Eur. Polym. J. 73, 162-174, 2015

Instruments and equipment available

* Pulsed laser ablation (PLA) and deposition (PLD)
* Optical Spectroscopies: LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence), LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy)
* Laser Sources: Nd:YAG (1064, 532, 355, 266 and 213 nm); Excimers (F2 157 nm, ArF 193 nm, KrF 248 nm, XeCl 308 nm); Narrow line tunable dye lasers
* Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOF MS)

Number of researchers (11)
Permanent positions (Prof, Dr) 4
PhD(contracted) 2
PhD Students 1
Technicians 0
Others 0
PhD 2012-2015 3
PhD Ramon y Cajal (currently) 1

Participation in other Networks


Nanotechnology for structural applications
Nano powered ceramics
Composite materials containing nanocrystals or powders
Materials based on carbon nanotubes or fullerenes
Nanoparticulate coatings
Other - specify:
NanoTechnology for information processing storage and transmission
Nanoelectronics, materials and devices
Optoelectronics/optical materials and devices
Magnetic materials and devices
Organic (opto) electronics
Other - specify:
Nano(bio)technology for medical applications
Drug encapsulation
Targeted drug delivery, molecular recognition
Other - specify: Nanostructuring of polymers and biopolymers
Nanotechnology for sensor applications
Nanostructured sensors
Sensors based on biological molecules
Other - specify:
Nanotechnology for (electro)chemical processing technologies
Catalysts or electrodes with nano-structured surface
Other - specify:
Long-term research with generic applications
Self- assembly
Quantum physics, mesoscopic systems, chemical
Interfacing to organic / biological molecules
Other - specify:
Instruments and equipment, supporting sciences and technologies
Analytical equipment and techniques
Powder production and processing
Deposition equipment and techniques
Patterning equipment and techniques
Other - specify:

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