Nanotechnology Activities Survey in Spain |
Name of the Laboratory |
Biofuncionalizacion de superficies
Department |
Biocatálisis |
Institution |
Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica |
Institution (Acronym) |
Contact Person (e-mail) |
VELEZ Tirado, Marisela / VELEZ, Marisela
Address |
Calle Marie Curie, 2 - Cantoblanco |
Postal code |
28049 |
Province |
Madrid |
Autonomous Region |
Madrid |
Country |
Spain |
Phone |
+34 91 5854802 |
Fax |
+34 91 5854760 |
Website | |
Main Research Areas |
* Biosuperficies
* Complejos Supramoleculares
* Autoorganización
* Nanoestructura
Participating Projects |
* Análisis de estructura y función de nanomáquinas y otros sistemas biológicos y su integración en dispositivos nanomecánicos mediante técnicas de manipulación de moléculas individuales Coordinator: Marisela Vélez (Proyecto Coordinado), José López Carrascosa (CNB) coordinador general: Comunidad de Madrid (40.000 €)
* Exploiting Gram-negative cell division targets in the test tube to obtain antimicrobial compounds Coordinator: Prof. Miguel Vicente (CNB,CSIC): European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. (200.000 €)
* European Network for Cell Imaging and Tracking Expertise ENCITE Coordinator: Prof. Gabriel Krestin, EIBIR: European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (140.000 €)
Three more relevant publications within 2010-2013 |
* Mateos-Gil , P.; Paez ,A.; Hörger, I, Rivas, G;, Vicente,M.;, Tarazona,P. and Vélez, M. - PNAS, 109 (21) 8133-8138 (2012)
* Cristina Gutiérrez-Snchez , David Olea , Marta Marques , Victor M. Fernández , Inés A. C. Pereira , Marisela Vélez, and Antoni - Langmuir, April, 27, 6449–6457, (2011)
* Encinar, M.; Kralicek, A.; Martos, A.; Krupka, M.; Alonso, A.; Cid, S.; Rico, A.; Jiménez, M.; Vélez, M. - Langmuir DOI:10.1021/la401673z (2013)
Instruments and equipment available |
* Microscopio de Fuerzas Atómicas
* Microscopio de Fluorescencia
* Microbalanza de Cuarzo
funding 2010-2013 (In
thousand Euro) |
CC.AA. |
UE |
Private |
Total for years |
2010 |
40 |
10 |
80 |
0 |
130 |
2011 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
2012 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2013 |
90 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
90 |
Total for organism
type |
135 |
10 |
80 |
- |
Number of researchers (4) |
Permanent positions (Prof, Dr) |
1 |
PhD(contracted) |
0 |
PhD Students |
2 |
Technicians |
0 |
Others |
0 |
PhD 2010-2013 |
1 |
PhD Ramon y Cajal (currently) |
0 |
Other relevant information
Member of the COST EU COST Action TD 1003 Bio-inspired Nanotechnologies |
| |
Nanotechnology for structural applications
Nano powered ceramics
Composite materials containing nanocrystals or powders
Materials based on carbon nanotubes or fullerenes
Nanoparticulate coatings
Other - specify:
| |
NanoTechnology for information processing storage and transmission
Nanoelectronics, materials and devices
Optoelectronics/optical materials and devices
Magnetic materials and devices
Organic (opto) electronics
Other - specify:
| |
Nano(bio)technology for medical applications
Drug encapsulation
Targeted drug delivery, molecular recognition
Other - specify: development of smart contrast agents for MRI
| |
Nanotechnology for sensor applications
Nanostructured sensors
Sensors based on biological molecules
Other - specify:
| |
Nanotechnology for (electro)chemical processing technologies
Catalysts or electrodes with nano-structured surface
Other - specify:
| |
Long-term research with generic applications
Self- assembly
Quantum physics, mesoscopic systems, chemical
Interfacing to organic / biological molecules
Other - specify:
| |
Instruments and equipment, supporting sciences and technologies
Analytical equipment and techniques
Powder production and processing
Deposition equipment and techniques
Patterning equipment and techniques
Other - specify: