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  Last Updated: May 13, 2016 
Nanotechnology Activities Survey in Spain

Name of the Laboratory INMUNOLOGIA
Department Instituto Investigaciones Biomédicas CINBIO

Universidad de Vigo. Edificio de Ciencias Experimentales

Institution (Acronym)
Contact Person (e-mail) GONZÁLEZ-FERNÁNDEZ, África
Address Lagoas Marcosende s/n
Postal code 36310
Province Pontevedra
Autonomous Region Galicia
Country Spain
Phone +34 986812625
Fax +34-986812556
Main Research Areas

* respuesta inmune a nanoparticulas
* anticuerpos monoclonales
* toxicidad y fagocitosis de nanoparticulas
* nanomedicina

Participating Projects

* EMI-TB Eliciting Mucosal Immunity to Tuberculosis 643558
Coordinator: África González-Fernández (2015-2018): HORIZON2020

* Diseño de Nanovacunas terapéuticas basadas en Péptidos: aplicación al tratamiento de enfermedades autoinmunes
Coordinator: África González Fernández: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

* Biomedical Capacities Support programme (BIOCAPS)
Coordinator: África González Fernández: FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1. Instituto Biomédico de Vigo IBIV

Three more relevant publications within 2013-2016

* 'Potential impact of metal oxide nanoparticles on the immune system: the role of integrins, L-selectin and the chemokine receptor CXCR4'
  Tamara Lozano-Fernández, Lidia Ballester-Antxordoki,, Nerea Pérez-Temprano, Elena Rojas, David Sanz, Maite Iglesias-Gaspar, Sergio Moya, África Gonzál - Nanomedicine 10:1301–1310 (2014). [IF 6,9]

* 'A quantitative binding study of fibrinogen and human serum albumin to metal oxide nanoparticles by Surface Plasmon Resonance'
  Pilar Canoa, Rosana Simón-Vázquez, Jonathan Popplewell, and África González-Fernández - Biosensor and bioelectronics 2015 Jun 29; 74:376-383 [IF: 6,451]

* 'A biocompatible porous Mg-gallate Metal Organic Framework as an antioxidant carrier'
  Lucy Cooper, Tania Hidalgo, Martin Gorman, Tamara Lozano-Fernández, Rosana Simón-Vázquez, Camille Olivier, Nathalie Guillou, Christian Serre, Charlott - Chem. Communications 2015, 51 5848 - 5851 [IF: 6,718]

Instruments and equipment available

* Immunology Laboratory (Elisa, Western Blot) and Molecular Biology Techniques
* Electron Microscopy (SEM, TEM, FIB) and Confocal
* Animal Models (Animal facility)
* Cell/ Tissue Cultures and 5. Monoclonal Antibody Therapy

Number of researchers (16)
Permanent positions (Prof, Dr) 3
PhD(contracted) 3
PhD Students 5
Technicians 1
Others 1
PhD 2013-2016 3
PhD Ramon y Cajal (currently) 0

Participation in other Networks

Nanosafety Cluster, Red de Inmunoterapia del Cáncer, Red Bioauga, Red de Esclerosis Múltiple

Nanotechnology for structural applications
Nano powered ceramics
Composite materials containing nanocrystals or powders
Materials based on carbon nanotubes or fullerenes
Nanoparticulate coatings
Other - specify:
NanoTechnology for information processing storage and transmission
Nanoelectronics, materials and devices
Optoelectronics/optical materials and devices
Magnetic materials and devices
Organic (opto) electronics
Other - specify:
Nano(bio)technology for medical applications
Drug encapsulation
Targeted drug delivery, molecular recognition
Other - specify: toxicity of nanomaterials
Nanotechnology for sensor applications
Nanostructured sensors
Sensors based on biological molecules
Other - specify: Biosensors: cancer detection
Nanotechnology for (electro)chemical processing technologies
Catalysts or electrodes with nano-structured surface
Other - specify:
Long-term research with generic applications
Self- assembly
Quantum physics, mesoscopic systems, chemical
Interfacing to organic / biological molecules
Other - specify: Interfacing to organic: immune responses
Instruments and equipment, supporting sciences and technologies
Analytical equipment and techniques
Powder production and processing
Deposition equipment and techniques
Patterning equipment and techniques
Other - specify: Development of biosensor (patented)

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