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  Last Updated: July 24, 2015 
Nanotechnology Activities Survey in Spain

Name of the Laboratory Laboratoty of electrochemistry, interfaces and nanometric films
Department Chemical Engineering Department

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Institution (Acronym) UPC
Contact Person (e-mail) TORRENT-BURGUES, Juan
Address C/ Colom 1
Postal code 08222 Terrassa
Province Barcelona
Autonomous Region Cataluña
Country Spain
Phone +34 937398043
Fax +34 937398225
Main Research Areas

* Nanometric systems
* Langmuir films
* Langmuir-Blodgett films
* Molecular Electrochemistry

Participating Projects

* Microscopias de fuerza atómica y de efecto túnel electroquímico en películas auto-organizadas, tipo LB y membranas biomiméticas
Coordinator: Juan Torrent-Burgués: MEC (62.000 €)

* Ayuda a grupos de investigación
Coordinator: F. Sanz: Generalitat de Catalunya (45.000 €)

* Alteraciones en los procesos de activación y transducción de señal de GPCRs.
Coordinator: Pere Garriga: MEC (25.000 €)

Three more relevant publications within 2012-2015

*   J. Hoyo, E. Guaus, J. Torrent-Burgués, F. Sanz - Bioelectrochemistry 104 (2015) 26

*   J. Hoyo, J. Torrent-Burgués, E. Guaus - J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 384, 189, 2012

*   J. Hoyo, E. Guaus, J. Torrent-Burgués, F. Sanz - BBA MEM 1848 (2015) 1341

Instruments and equipment available

* Equipo para películas Langmuir y LB
* Potenciostato/galvanostato
* Microscopio de ángulo de Brewster (BAM)

Number of researchers (7)
Permanent positions (Prof, Dr) 3
PhD(contracted) 0
PhD Students 1
Technicians 0
Others 2
PhD 2012-2015 1
PhD Ramon y Cajal (currently) 0

Useful web links or contacts for NANOSPAIN Network

Nanotechnology for structural applications
Nano powered ceramics
Composite materials containing nanocrystals or powders
Materials based on carbon nanotubes or fullerenes
Nanoparticulate coatings
Other - specify:
NanoTechnology for information processing storage and transmission
Nanoelectronics, materials and devices
Optoelectronics/optical materials and devices
Magnetic materials and devices
Organic (opto) electronics
Other - specify:
Nano(bio)technology for medical applications
Drug encapsulation
Targeted drug delivery, molecular recognition
Other - specify: Desarrollo de nuevos sistemas nano-antimicrobianos
Nanotechnology for sensor applications
Nanostructured sensors
Sensors based on biological molecules
Other - specify:
Nanotechnology for (electro)chemical processing technologies
Catalysts or electrodes with nano-structured surface
Other - specify: Electrodos modificados
Long-term research with generic applications
Self- assembly
Quantum physics, mesoscopic systems, chemical
Interfacing to organic / biological molecules
Other - specify:
Instruments and equipment, supporting sciences and technologies
Analytical equipment and techniques
Powder production and processing
Deposition equipment and techniques
Patterning equipment and techniques
Other - specify:

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